Majorityrights News > Category: Jewish Diaspora

Migrants Granted Refugee Status Are Holidaying In Countries They ‘Fled’, At Taxpayers’ Expense

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 18 September 2016 11:35.

Breitbart, “Migrants Granted Refugee Status Are Holidaying In Countries They ‘Fled’, At Taxpayers’ Expense” 12 September 2016:

Migrants with recognised refugee status are holidaying in the countries they supposedly “fled”, with their vacations funded by German taxpayers, a newspaper has found.

Newspaper Welt am Sonntag learnt that migrants are returning to countries such as Syria, Afghanistan, and Lebanon for holiday purposes, then travelling back to Germany where they continue to receive comfortable welfare payments.

The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) has been aware for some time that some recognised refugees are taking leisure trips to the very spots they claim their lives are in danger.

The government body sent a written request to Berlin’s employment agencies in June, asking that they report the travel arrangements of migrants granted asylum holidaying in their countries of origin.

A spokeswoman for the Federal Employment Agency confirmed that “there are such cases” but reports that there is “no analysis or statistics on this subject and therefore we do not have information”.

The lack of information is down to data protection laws. But people who are familiar with the processes report that it is also happening in other regions of Germany.

Hartz IV, the welfare system migrants granted asylum receive, allows 21 days per year “local absence” where recipients collect full welfare payments while away from their usual area.

Receivers of Hartz IV must “notify the local absence, the expected duration, but not exactly where they go to,” the federal agency said, adding that “there is also no legal basis to demand this information.”

Welt am Sonntag reported that even if the migrant told welfare centre staff he was taking a trip to Syria, data protection laws would prevent this information being passed on to the federal agency.

Germany’s Interior Ministry indicates that European Union rules state that travel to so-called countries of persecution can lead to individual cases being looked at and, ultimately, asylum being withdrawn.

A spokesman from the ministry said there may be reasonable grounds for such trips, such as a family member’s serious illness.

“In the case, however, to travel for leisure purposes, this may be an indication that for the refugee no fear of persecution exists,” the spokesman added.

Armin Schuster, chairman of Chancellor Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union party, said it “leaves one almost speechless” that migrants are holidaying in the countries they supposedly fled qualify for asylum.

Mr. Schuster said he could imagine only a few cases where a brief return would be acceptable, but commented that it’s “imperative that we continue to permit the refugees to apply for such a trip, and to be approved by BAMF.”

Despite the narrative which portrays migrants arriving in Europe as having fled for their lives, researchers have found increasing numbers are wanting to return to their home countries, dissatisfied with the standard of accommodation and welfare they are given on the continent.

Frauke Petry’s car set on fire the night before election

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 18 September 2016 09:01.

Reuters, “Unidentified attackers set fire to the car of Frauke Petry, the leader of Germany’s anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, police said on Saturday”, 17 September 2016:

“We are currently assuming it was arson,” a police spokeswoman in the eastern city of Leipzig said, adding that investigators were still collecting evidence at the scene.

The attack happened late on Friday and there has been no claim of responsibility so far, the police spokeswoman added.

Petry wrote on Twitter: “An arson attack was committed on my car yesterday. Is this what we have come to…”

Last year unknown attackers set fire to the car of AfD deputy leader Beatrix von Storch in Berlin.

The right-wing AfD has gained support as voters become uneasy with Chancellor Angela Merkel’s open-door policy toward refugees. Around one million migrants arrived in Germany last year, many fleeing conflicts in the Middle East.

The AfD won a shock 20.8 percent in an election in the eastern state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern two weeks ago, knocking Merkel’s conservatives into third place.

Merkel’s party looks set to suffer a second electoral blow on Sunday in a Berlin city election.

Jewish community of Britain organizing sponsorship of child immigrants from Calais refu-camp

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 17 September 2016 08:08.

Related story: The Guardian Newspaper is an archaic outfit whose propaganda operations will always be defeated.

TNO, [Jewish people and “communities”] in Britain who claim to be refugees from Nazi Germany are actively involved in bringing nonwhite invaders in the Calais Jungle over to the U.K., controlled media reports have revealed.

According to the [Red] Left Guardian newspaper, Jews who came over to Britain during the so-called Kinder-transport program are “raising funds” to help the “unaccompanied refugee children” in Calais enter the U.K.

The Guardian report said that “Britain’s Jewish community is raising funding to evacuate at least 120 child refugees identified as having the legal right to be reunited with their families in the U.K. but who remain trapped in northern France.”

According to the report, “Campaigners said their predecessors had relied on Britain’s generosity to flee the Nazis and that a sense of gratitude had motivated them to help vulnerable unaccompanied child refugees, many of whom are fleeing persecution.”

Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg, whose parents claimed to have fled Nazi-occupied Europe and who has been instrumental in galvanizing support for modern “child refugees,” was quoted as saying, “Both my parents were refugees at the age of 16: both fled Germany.”

His 93-year-old mother, Isca Salzberger-Wittenberg, who arrived in the UK months before the Second World War began, said: “I owe my survival to the generosity of those who gave the financial guarantees for me and my family to escape to Britain. I feel deeply concerned about refugees now, especially the children and young people.”

Within the Jungle camp in Calais, around 220 invaders pretending to be “unaccompanied children” have been identified as having the “legal right” to be reunited with families in the U.K.

Britain’s Jewish community now hopes to raise enough to “rescue” them all, and bring them to the U.K., the newspaper said.

Their campaign, launched last Sunday on Facebook, has raised more than £50,000, with £15,000 more pledged. The overall cost per invader for the “legal process, transport and support requirements” is £2,000.

“The Baltic Way”

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 16 September 2016 07:41.

Visigrad Post, “The Baltic Way”

By Dace Kalniņa.

Every year in August, the Baltic people are remembering the so called “Baltic way”. Almost every family has some memories of this moving event, which took place on 23rd of August 1989. This year on a 23rd of August in Rīga the Latvian, Estonian and Lithuanian flags and maidens stood together with Ukrainian and Polish representatives in front of monument of Freedom in Rīga, thus commemorating the Baltic way and showing the unity in spirit for the Intermarium region today and in the future.


On 23rd of August 1989 more than two millions of Latvians, Lithuanians and Estonians (or approximately 1/3 of entire Baltic population) made alive chain from Tompea castle in Tallinn, crossing Rīga, till Gediminas tower in Vilnius through all three countries to demand Independence for their countries. This is one of the biggest and most impressive political manifestations, which has ever occurred in the world, and can be perceived as culmination of “Awakening process” in Baltic states, which already began few years earlier and resulted in the collapse of USSR. Baltic way action was organized by the Estonian Rahvarinne, the Popular front of Latvia and the Lithuanian Sajūdis.


The date – 23rd August – was a symbolic one, it was chosen to remind the whole world, that illegal occupation of the Baltic countries was a result of so called Molotov – Ribbentrop Pact of 23rd of August, 1939, when USSR and Nazi Germany secretly divided influence spheres, leaving Baltic countries in the hands of Stalin. As it is widely known, after World War II the Soviets denied the existence of this Pact and according to the official propaganda, all three Baltic States had joined USSR voluntarily. Already in 1987 and 1988 the 23rd of August was a day, which made headache for KGB officials. One of the first mass demonstrations in 1987 has been brutally repressed by the Soviets. They took place in all three capitals, and mass protests took place in 1988, as well. The very beginning of these protests has been inspired by the former political prisoners of Latvia and their first open political group Helsinki-86.


The participants of the Baltic way carried a votive candles tied around with a black ribbon and held posters reminding the criminal agreement of 1939, showing that 50 years of brainwashing and propaganda has not deleted memories and knowledge of once independent countries and the fact of violent occupation. The participants demanded freedom for the Baltic countries as well as to stop the communist genocide against Baltic people. The action caught quite a wide attention also in Western media. Amongst others, newspapers as “The Times”, “Daily Express”, “Daily Mail”, “Independent” reflected the events of that day on their front pages. The spirit of that day is fully expressed in a great trilingual song “The Baltics Are Waking Up!” :

Asselborn’s remarks dismissed by Hungary and Austria

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 16 September 2016 07:25.

Visigrad Post, “Asselborn’s remarks dismissed by Hungary and Austria”, 15 September 2016:

Hungary – After Luxembourg’s Foreign Minister Asselborn asked for Hungary’s expulsion of the European Union, the Hungarian Foreign Minister dismissed his remarks by saying that his counterpart Jean Asselborn is a “lightweight” politician “bent to destroy Europe’s security and culture”. And the Austrian Foreign Minister also reacted in favor of Hungary.

Asselborn told Germany’s Die Welt on Tuesday that the EU could not maintain its unity unless the community excluded Hungary, a country which seriously violated European values by “building a fence against refugees of war”. He also accused Hungary of curbing the freedom of the press and the independence of the judiciary, wrote Daily News Hungary.

But the Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó dismissed these remarks. “Patronizing and frustrated”, Asselborn had “long excluded himself from among politicians to be taken seriously”. He then added that on October 2, day of the referendum about the mandatory quotas in Hungary, Hungarians will give their opinion on “illegal migration, Brussels’ quota system, and on figures like Asselborn”.

The Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz disavowed his Luxembourgian counterpart remarks and said these comments are unacceptable. He explained that maybe some serious discussion might take place within the Union but messaging through the media does not contribute to the common work. He ended his comment by stating that respect is needed if we want to preserve the European peace.

Graphic Depiction of How Whites were Ethnically Cleansed from Chicago

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 16 September 2016 06:06.

TNO, Graphic Depiction of How Whites were Ethnically Cleansed from Chicago”

....showing precisely how Whites have been driven out of the city during the last 100 years.

Even these figures are doubtless incorrect, as the US Census Bureau counts all Middle Easterners and North Africans as “white”. In addition, the US Census Bureau relies on a self-classification method of racial identification.

Chicago has the fifth highest foreign-born population in the United States.


This is happening across The U.S. - for another example as Whites have been cleansed from the small town of Norcross, Georgia -

TNO, “Whites Ethnically Cleansed from Norcross, Ga., 13 September 2016:

Mass Third World immigration from Mexico and Central and South America have turned the Southern town of Norcross, Georgia, from 75 percent white in 1990 to 80 percent nonwhite in 2014—a perfect example of how Europeans are being ethnically cleansed from the United States.

Norcross today has a crime rate of 47 per 1000 residents—one of the highest in America compared to all communities of all sizes, from the smallest towns to the very largest cities—and is a portend of what is to come if the racial displacement continues.

According to an article in the Boston Globe, titled “Being white, and a minority, in Georgia,” Norcross used to be a small peaceful town of around 3,000 people—but within a few short years, its population rocketed to over 16,000—all new “immigrants” from nonwhite lands.

About 40 percent are Hispanic, and most were born elsewhere, compared to 1980, when only 23 people in the city were foreign-born.

Every Major UK Religion Wants Invaders

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 16 September 2016 05:47.

TNO, “Every Major UK Religion Wants Invaders”, 13 September 2016:

The leaders of every single major religion in Britain have called upon the U.K. Government to take in even more Third World invaders in an unprecedented joint “interfaith declaration.”

Signed by leaders from Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, Jain, Muslim, Sikh, and Zoroastrian congregations, the declaration called for “safe and legal routes” in the UK for the invaders.


The “Interfaith Refugee Initiative” issued an open letter to the British government this week, signed by more than 200 of the country’s church leaders, bishops, rabbis, and other religious figures.

“As people of faith, we call on your Government urgently to revise its policy toward refugees,” the letter said.

The “immediate and viable steps” that the Government should take to “offer sanctuary to more refugees” include, the letter says, creating “safe, legal routes of travel,” and “adopting fair and humane family reunion policies for refugees.”

The religious leaders all ignore the reality that there is not a single legal refugee in Europe—because every single one even claiming to have fled Syria, only qualifies as a “refugee” in the first neighboring safe country.

Once a “refugee” crosses two safe countries—or, as in the UK’s case, ten safe countries, they are no longer “refugees” but simply illegal immigrants.

Nonetheless, the religious leaders claim that the UK must “take a fair and proportionate share of refugees, both those already within Europe and those still outside it.”

Furthermore, the declaration demands that the government must establish “safe and legal routes to the UK, as well as to the rest of Europe,” and that there should be “access to fair and thorough procedures to determine eligibility for international protection wherever it is sought.”

Among the 224 signatories are Rowan Williams, Former Archbishop of Canterbury; Harun Rashid Khan, Secretary-General, Muslim Council of Britain….


In addition, the bishops of almost every city in Britain from the Anglican and Catholic churches also signed the declaration, along with a multitude of rabbis and imams.

Leaked Report Links Turkey to ISIS And 25% “German” ISIS are Turks

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 18 August 2016 05:09.

TNO, “Leaked Report Links Turkey to ISIS”, 17 August 2016:

A top-secret German intelligence report, accidentally leaked to the public, has described Turkey as a “platform” for Islamists, and revealed that country’s official support for the ISIS-aligned Al Nusra Front in Syria.

In addition, the report said there was an “ideological affinity” between the Turkish government and Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood.

The classified Bundesnachtrictendienst (BND) report was sent by accident to a lawmaker by a junior bureaucrat, and was then given to the public broadcaster ARD for dissemination.

The report noted that “the numerous statements of solidarity and action of support for the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, and groups of armed Islamist opposition in Syria, by the ruling party AKP and President [Recep Tayyip] Erdogan, underline their ideological affinity to the Muslim Brotherhood.

“As a result of a gradual Islamisation of domestic and foreign policy of Ankara since 2011, Turkey has developed into a central action platform for Islamist groups of the Near and Mid-East regions.”

Furthermore, the report revealed that the Turkish government has cooperated “for years with Islamist and terrorist organizations in the Middle East”—and that this policy is “actively supported by Erdogan.”

TNO, “25% “German” ISIS are Turks” 17 August 2016:

At least 25 percent of all legally-resident nonwhites living in Germany who volunteered for active service with ISIS are Turks, the government has admitted.

The statistics come just one day after a secret German government report was leaked revealing Turkey’s extensive ties to the Al-Nusra Islamist terrorists in Syria.

According to German media reports, a “significant portion” of the recruits from Germany who went to fight for the Islamic State (ISIS) “were of a Turkish background.”

The statistics emerged from an answer from a parliamentary question submitted to the Federal Government by the far-left Die Linke party in the Bundestag.

“According to the findings of the security agencies, about a quarter of the 760 German [sic] Islamists and Islamists from Germany who travelled to Syria / Iraq in 2015, were of Turkish citizenship or of Turkish origin,” the official Interior Ministry response said.

In absolute terms, this means that at least 190 ISIS fighters recruited from Germany were Turks.

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